


I've worn this dress twice. Which is very little since I bought it in 2009 (?). I remember I bought it at a shopping 
centre in Stockholm on a very cold and dark winter night. I was shopping with my ex (then boyfriend) and my cousin 
Johanna. I remember trying this on and being like "naah I dunno". I walked out and showed what it looked like 
on me to my cousin. She said "buy it". Still, I was like "naah I dunno". But then, some random people who saw 
me wearing it said "omg that dress looks great on you!" - so well, I bought it. Haha. Funny how it goes. Oh well, 
I don't regret buying it, it's a pretty dress and I'm hopeful I'll  find an occasion to wear it again soon.

(Ps, sorry for crappy iphone pics!)

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