


Last night my boyfriend and I decided to stay home and cook a delicious dinner. Said and done - we did! It was 
probably the best dinner I've had in my life, not kidding. We made a "plank steak" (is there an other word for it 
in English? in Swedish it is plankstek) with reindeer meat (that we bought in Kuusamo on our New Year vacation). 
What else? Mashed potatoes made out of potatoes, yolk, some salt and coconut cream (so good!). Also cranberry jelly, 
tomatoes with garlic butter on top, 3 different cheeses sauce with chantarelles and bacon wrapped green beans. 
YUM. Everything was perfect. To this we shared a bottle of this wine. 

For dessert we made flambéed apples with vanilla quark (+ dark rum, hazelnuts & cocoa nibs) on top. This is something we 
make quite often since it never goes wrong, and is so delicious every time! Highly recommend this as a dessert. 

So that was my perfect Saturday dinner. Now we're gonna try and 
figure out what to do today. It's Sunday and we can do whatever we want!

Have a great Sunday! <3

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