


Last night I went out for a walk with an old childhood friend, who I probably hadn't talked to properly since we were 
about 12 years old or something... So, that was fun! When I got back home I realized I'd been out walking for a total 
of 3 (!) hours during the whole day (oh and it was really windy and cold yesterday) - so I thought I deserved a little 
ice cream. Since I'm trying to eat as raw as possible I decided to make my own ice cream, and let me tell you, it 
was AH-MAZING. How I made it? Frozen banan (I had cut it into small pieces and put it in the freezer earlier in 
the day) + lots of cocoa powder and 2 teaspoons of extra virgin coconut oil - all mixed together. I had never tried 
this before, but man will I start eating this like every night. It was, not kidding, better than "real" icecream. 

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