

BYE 2012, HELLO 2013

Bye 2012. It's been a weird year. I've been kind of stuck, and unsure about, well, everything. 
It's been a year without fun, that's for sure. There's been good moments tho, like the trip to Dubai 
in march/april, finally daring to audition for a movie (and got the part, and filmed in Southern 
Finland for 2 days!), seeing my blog grow (hey, how awesome are you people that everyday reads my blog!? Love you!) and going back to Stockholm (just over a weekend... but hey, still...) 
where I got to re-visit all my favorite spots, see my family/relatives and so on. 

I've studied a little, and worked a lot. Well, during the summer months I only 
worked part-time, which was awesome - since I love summer and got a lot of time to 
just enjoy the warm weather, and the sun (beachlife <3). I've had several jobs, and none 
of them great, but hey, cash is king... Overall, as I said, it's been a weird year. Not 
"bad", but not good either. I'm hoping for a better 2013. 

2013 is going to be my year. I read my horoscope for 2013 (I'm a scorpio, and yes, I really 
believe in horoscopes (sometimes...)) - and according to the horoscope I'm going to have a 
good year. It's gonna be tough sometimes, but overall a good and creative year with travels (big like!). As some of you may know, I have one trip already planned. Time will tell if get on the plane or not... 

Specific plans for 2013? Travel much, start believing in myself, dare to trust new people and believe that I'm "good enough", work harder, be even more spontaneous, make this blog better, and bigger. And so on... I really want to take time to make this blog better in 2013. I've been blogging for almost 7 years  now (different blogs, blog-names and blog-platforms...) - and I still love it. My blog is like my baby, and I want others to like it as much as I do. I am tho never pleased with it. I need more texts, I need more outfits, more personal pics, more streetstyle pics, and better shopping tips - to name a few things... I want my blog to be awesome. I want it to be one of the best ones out there - and that's tough. So... I am asking you... What do you want to see in my blog in 2013? Improvements that could be done? Tips? Ideas? 

Now, hope you're all having a great december 31st and that you get a great start on the 
new year. 2013 is going to be awesome, for all of you. Believe it and it will happen!

Happy new year!